Kelly Creek Elementary

Nominate a colleague you admire and appreciate, who might not think to take time for themselves and tell us why they deserve a break.


We’ll choose two recipients from Kelly Creek Elementary to receive a two-night getaway at The Independence Hotel on the Willamette River, with cozy beds, incredible views, great local beer, wine, and food. Perfect for adventuring in the Willamette Valley or relaxing in their room! Please submit your nomination by February 17th, 2021.

Nominate a Colleague for A Getaway!

And for you….

As a small thank you for all you give as an employee at Kelly Creek Elementary, as a teacher, mentor, coach, or supporter of our kids, please take 25% off a future stay at The Independence Hotel (good for reservations through April 30, 2022).

Make time to unplug, recharge, and put yourself first before getting back out there!

Use Code: KELLY